Trustfolio ‘debt-tech’ podcast episode 8 with Jonathan Woodward of Birmingham City Council


13 April 2023

Trustfolio Ltd, the debt-tech™ collective behind the new Creditor Debt Solutions Platform now being adopted by Local Authorities and the well-established Debt Adviser Support Portal, backed by AdviceUK, has released episode 8 of its new podcast exploring how digitisation is changing the consumer debt sector.

The eighth episode, features Birmingham City Council’s Jonathan Woodward, Head of Revenues, as the expert guest. He has a career spanning more than 20 years in revenues and debt recovery, the most recent five and a half years as Head of Revenues at Birmingham and is certainly no stranger to the industry.

Podcast co-host Trustfolio’s Lee Usher, who has worked across the credit and debt advice landscape for both private sector companies and Government, says:
“I’ve been talking to Jonathan for some time about joining me and Peter as our expert guest and the first Head of Revenues to join us on the podcast. He gave us some real insight into the issues the largest Local Authority in Europe is facing and the sheer size and value of the contribution his work makes to the Authority’s coffers: half a million council tax and business rates bills worth nearly £1bn, which is a third of the total revenue Birmingham City Council receives!”

Co-host Trustfolio’s Peter Wallwork, former Chief Executive of Credit Services Association (CSA), the UK trade body for the debt collection sector, adds:
“Coming from a financial institution background as I do, I was fascinated to hear the issues a local authority has in creating the ‘single view of debt’ that I just assumed would be easy to establish anywhere as that’s all I’d ever been used to. That and suddenly realising how old I am, when I talk about the Thatcher era and the notorious council tax reforms of the late 1980s and suddenly realise our guest is too young to know who you’re talking about, made for a very interesting interview..!”

Each episode of the Trustfolio debt-tech podcast, which has previously featured Craig Simmons of Money & Pensions Service, James Jones of Experian, Steve Coppard of Arum, Lou Yates of Trustfolio, Kevin Still of DEMSA, Ryan Hayes of Trustfolio and David Hawkes of Advice UK, gives professionals working in the credit, collections, advice, enforcement, and other related sectors, the opportunity to hear industry influencers discuss and debate the pros and cons of utilising the latest fintech to support consumers-in-debt.

Listen to episode 8 below or wherever you get your podcasts and listen again to past episodes here!