Trustfolio ‘debt-tech’ podcast episode with CEO, Inventive Marketing, Nicky Dibben


19 September 2023

Trustfolio Ltd, the debt-tech™ collective behind the new Creditor Debt Solutions Platform now being adopted by Local Authorities and the well-established Debt Adviser Support Portal , backed by AdviceUK, has released episode 10 of its new podcast exploring how digitisation is changing the consumer debt sector.

The eleventh episode, features Nicky Dibben, self-proclaimed CEO Advisor and CMO in one, building B2B tech businesses with her 360° Marketing Methodology, as the expert guest. Her career in marketing spanning the last 30 years and effervescent presence on LinkedIn has seen her discuss all manner of issues – throwing problems up in the air and sorting them out on a white board as they come back down, giving her clients a clear strategic path for the next six months.

Podcast co-host Trustfolio’s  Lee Usher, who has worked across the credit and debt advice landscape for both private sector companies and Government, says:
“Nicky spoke a lot of sense and never once referred to notes, just showing how what she talked about is obviously second nature to her – no wonder she has such a following and a long list of success stories… This podcast will be of interest to anyone in the fintech space and those trying to select a good fintech partner.”

Co-host Trustfolio’s Peter Wallwork, former Chief Executive of Credit Services Association (CSA), the UK trade body for the debt collection sector, adds:
“This podcast was a lot of fun to record and I hope we get the chance to work with Nicky in the near future – unassuming, confident, with an infectious enthusiasm, pointing out things that those close to their businesses, often can’t see.”

Each episode of the Trustfolio debt-tech podcast, which most recently featured Peter Wordsworth, formerly of Step Change Debt Charity, gives professionals working in the credit, collections, advice, enforcement, and other related sectors, the opportunity to hear industry influencers discuss and debate the pros and cons of utilising the latest fintech to support consumers-in-debt.

Listen to episode 11 below or wherever you get your podcasts and listen again to past episodes here!